Love is also about friendships.
Courage starts a friendship but love sustains it.
I have many friends but its only a very small number that I can say I know whats happening in their lives. (Don't take into account facebook all you stalkers out there!!..including me.) Friendships take time to nurture. You take a minute to meet someone but a whole life time to nurture it.
So I've decided that I shall make it a point to put more effort into the people around me. To sow into their lives, to be involved, to be happy, sad and angry with them as they journey through life.
I met up with Huishan for dinner today. It is the first time we're spending time alone. It was an amazing experience. I forgot how it was to have a good conversation, a session of letting go your troubles to a person you trust, to have somebody take part in your journey.
I appreciated her company and she with mine.

I love you.
How many friends do you need to catch up on?
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