Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Direction

So, for the month that I was away from this blog, my Project of Love took a different direction.

When I first started this project, it was to "do random acts of kindness each day" in order to make somebody smile.
After a month's trial, I found it a little too restrictive for my liking.

When I first envisioned this project, I saw myself volunteering, helping out people in need but I didn't think out the specifics of my project properly. Yes, I saw images of those people that I helped smiling but it didn't occur to me then that I could expand my service territory to those out of my reach. That my Project of Love didn't have to be restricted to the immediate people around me, but also to the ends of the earth, directly or indirectly.

How? In so many ways. The easiest one I can start with is to support various causes/disasters/foundations around the world that I feel passionate about, like when I donated to an aid in Haiti after the earthquake. I do not know what happened to that money; whether it was to buy a family food and shelter or whether it was to supply medical equipment or whether it was even used at all. But I would still like to think that I made a difference somewhere. That my money was used to buy a smile out there, half way across the globe. Which is why I've decided that "making somebody smile each day by doing random acts of kindness" is not enough.

That this Project of Love is now here on expanded to "doing acts of love". It has become more ambiguous and I like that. That I am not bounded by definite boundaries but released to do whatever I want, however I like it.

That "Project of Love" has ceased to be restrictive but has become all encompassing.


  1. WOW!!!! JAN Congrats on expanding your territory...I pray that your Acts of Love reach out the needy be blessed. God Bless you.

  2. Hey Prabhu,

    As always, a BIG THANK YOU for always supporting me!!!!

    =), jan
