Saturday, July 17, 2010

Art and craft

I love ART.
I used to love drawing, designing, cutting, pasting, planning, colouring and admiring my handiwork.

But as years go by, I find little time to do it or close to none at all because I need LOTS of time. When I start something, I pour my heart and soul into it and get so engrossed in a small little piece of drawing that it takes me hours to finish it. So, I don't start.

Which is why I haven't done anything "artsy fartsy" since...forever.

But when Jade came home with her short new bangs the night before she was flying back to China for holiday, I felt the urge to make her a card. It was to wish her bon voyage, to thank her for all the times she's been there for me as housemate and friend, to tell her I miss her, and to also pay homage to her super cute hairstyle she cut that day!

So there I was planning, drawing, cutting, colouring and writing all the details in. It took a few hours (as usual) but tadah!..below is the card I presented her with lots of love.

Its not particularly her style (cause she likes flowers, pastels and cutesy stuff), but its mine (black, bold and a tad edgy) and its made with lots of love.

So I hope she liked it. =)


  1. i still have your hand-made birthday cards =D

  2. Thank you mummy!!!

    And geri, WHAT hand-made birthday cards!!!!! Nice or not?
